Fundraising day for Somalia

November 12th at Christ Church (BA11 1EH), 9am - 9pm.

You may have seen the BBC News report from Somalia by Andrew Harding recently, highlighting the desperate plight of people in East Africa, where the worst drought for 40 years is causing a hunger crisis.

Ann Burgess, organist at Christ Church, is organising another 12-hour event of music and words from 9am to 9pm, to raise funds for Christian Aid’s East Africa Hunger Crisis Appeal. The 2020 event raised approximately £5,000 for planting trees in the desert in Sudan.

There are many different ways in which people can help:

  • save the date, spread the word, come along and bring your friends

  • sing, perform music, read words, dance, pray, meditate in silence

  • make or serve refreshments, wash up, be a steward, shake a collection bucket in the church

Everyone, performers, helpers and listeners alike can donate whatever they can afford. If you would like to get involved, please email Ann Burgess ( to let her know what you’d like to do, and also what time you are available on 12th November.

If you would like to play an instrument or sing and need an accompanist then Margaret Perry may be able to help (morning only); you can contact her for more information (01373 453962).


Operation Christmas Child


Oasis Tent (can you help?)