
We want Trinity kids to have lots of fun, learn what it means to follow Jesus and inspire the community around us. We currently offer ‘kids church’ on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, and activity bags for children are available at all services.


We believe that every person is fearfully and wonderfully made, each unique and deeply loved by God. Living in that knowledge, we aim to be a community of families that are anchored in hope, fearless in love and deeply kind.


We like to hang out together, with various social events throughout the year and through creating space in our lives for friendships to organically grow. Whether that’s on a riverside walk, chatting in the back of church over a coffee or sharing food together in our homes, we hope that you find our little community to be one of deep love for one another.

We like to open up our doors to serve families in our local community, with Trinity Toddlers running each week. We hope and pray our actions show some of God’s love to those around us.

Kid’s Church activities take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at the 11am service, and activity bags are available at other times. We anticipate re-starting Wild Worship on 1st Sundays from February. We look forward to seeing you!

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.